macbook pro turns on but screen stays black — my solution

The Apple Macbook Pro would turn on, but the screen would not.  The screen would stay black.  I could tell the computer was on because when I hit the “caps lock” key, the green light on the key would turn on and off.

I fixed this the following way (this is basically resetting the Power Management Unit — PMU):

I disconnected the computer from the power cord, and from all other cables.

I held down the power button for several seconds to turn off the computer.

I let it sit 5 minutes.

I restarted the laptop while holding down the Shift key.  This restarted the computer in Safe Mode, with the screen visible again.

After I logged in (in Safe Mode) to make sure everything was ok, I simply restarted the computer the normal way, and the screen behaved normally again.


If that doesn’t work for you, you could try these steps, documented at

Holding down Command, Option, P, and R to reset your PRAM and NVRAM

Resetting PowerBook and iBook Power Management Unit (PMU)


  1. hey!
    i have mac book pro.i had been using it since two years but today when i was working on it and i have sleep it for a while then upon restarting i have a screen whose clours are changing like it first have white then red , green ,blue, then grey and white grey designing.and the colours repeat…!!! why it happen if anybody help to sought it out?

  2. I have an old “eMac” with issues.
    The Mac powers up, however, the screen is black and it has a pulsating light which appears to be sending an “SOS” singnal.
    Any solutions ?????

  3. When I plug my MacBook in I have light to laptop and what I believe to be the sleep light in right front corner. Screen stays black but I can hear the drives. I do not get numbers lock light nor the cap lock light. No apple light on back cover lid. Seems likemmonitor and key board are not connected ? Can you please help thank you for your time

  4. my macbook pro was starting
    but screen stays black. And i also used command option and p R button but it doesnot work. What is the solve way of that problem.

  5. i hv tried all the tricks said here n still my screen wont be bright…but the sleep indicator show on..when i turn on and disappears after some minutes

  6. Got the infamous Black Screen. I tried holding the shift key, toggling the F1-F2 and finally tried the Command – Option – P – R. To no avail, nothing seems to bring my screen back. Any other suggestions to correct this problem? Thanks

  7. I need help also. I’ve tried everything above. My screen stays gray. I can see the mouse. But that’s it. Can anyone help????

  8. I also had a black screen with sounds and only keyboard lights after my late model 2007 MacBook Pro running OS X 10.9.4 went to sleep and never woke up.
    I tried shift + restart first, but it didn’t work. I tried the command- option-P-R reset and at first it only sounded like it just kept restarting, but still no screen. I turned it off and let it sit for about 5 minutes and tried the command- option-P-R reset again and it came back on.

    Thanks this really saved me !

  9. Hope this helps. The people who are having no luck with the solutions provided on this page.
    I plugged in my mouse and My screen went black. Technically a deep charcoal grey as I could see a black apple symbol on the screen during startup.
    I turned off computer, waited a bit and tried again. No luck. I found this cool site/page when looking for solutions.
    I tried the shift startup option. I was not ballsy enough to try the second option to of apple p,r. kinda glad I didn’t.

    In panic fear and anger (I personally hate macs but my girlfriend really wanted one.) I contacted support. They went through a series of questions. Stumped the tech asked me to press f2 and adjust the brightness. Worked like a charm!
    Somehow someway plugging in the mouse lowered the brightness. perhaps some other functions caused a similar effect for you folks. Before you try anything else technical, check your brightness to rule that out then continue to other recommendations. F2

    • Sorry, one step forgot to mention. I pressed the apple control key +the sleep button latch indicator + start button.

  10. I have been having the black screen problem with my 15 inch 2008 model Macbook pro. I would shut it down or it would go to sleep and it would not wake up. The computer and keyboard would run but no screen. I first checked the F2 button, but it did nothing. I then tried the shift button restart, but it did not work. I tried the“Command – Option – P – R” and at first it did not work. I tried it a few more times and the screen lit up again. However, the problem continued to happen and became harder to wake up using“Command – Option – P – R”. Until no mater what I did, it would no longer wake up.

    Possible Solution ….. not sure..

    Then, I don’t know what made me think of this, but for some reason I shut it down and held down the sleep indicator or latch release button on the front of my computer as I restarted it and it beeped and woke up immediately. So far I have not had the problem again to test if this was the problem.

  11. Wow this really sucks. This happened to my MBPr 15inch 2012 model today. The only thing I noticed that there was some updates to the OS. I am not sure if it’s due to that or to a crappy broken retina screen? I tried everything and nothing works. Sometimes I get lucky and it turns on, 90% of the time it stays black.

    Can’t believe these retina screens crap out just a little over a year and some…..

    Very disappointed. Contacting apple about this, hopefully they replace e screen.

  12. hello, I switched on my computer and it started to have the colours red, blue, and green for a while. Then I siwtched off and restart again. It did the same. I switched on again and see my screen is black, and the apple logo on the behind does not work anymore. I am sooo upset. I do not know what to do. I tried the solutions like holding shift, and alt+cmd+p+r but it did not work at all. could you please advise me abou twhat to do?

  13. Hey, I’ve OBVIOUSLY tried the brightness keys before ANYTHING else. I’ve tried the shift option when starting…NOTHING AND I’ve tried the command option PR to no avail (it did restart my computer. I’ve removed the back and unhooked the unhookables and RE Hooked them (this worked for me before) but that didn’t work. I did not try the PMU because it has nothing to do with the screen (from what I read). I’ve had this computer (MacBook Pro) since ~October 2011. PLEASE help…I’m at my wits end and almost ready to purchase a…dreaded PC!!!!!

    My screen seems to come up randomly, in flashes with NO rhyme or reason, no regular time intervals. HELP 🙂

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