A list of Lerna commands I use infrequently and do not want to go googling for. The Lerna docs are useful, but sometimes lacking in detail, hence my small notes.
Add package to packages
lerna add @tiptap/starter-kit --scope "*-spa"
Code language: Bash (bash)
This adds the “@tiptap/starter-kit” npm package to all of the packages in your lerna repo that end with “-spa”. Docs: add & filter-flags
lerna add yup --scope=user-spa
Code language: Bash (bash)
This adds the “yup” npm package to just the “user-spa” package in your lerna repo.
Install, hoist, and create links
lerna bootstrap
Code language: Bash (bash)
Installs all packages and hoists hoistable ones, and creates symlinks from local packages to packages that use them.
Publish packages
lerna publish
Code language: Bash (bash)
Runs only once all changes have been committed, by default on the master branch only. Bumps all packages to next version, publishes non-private packages to their designated repo (not necessarily NPM).