sharing the power of code

sharing the power of code
GIT Commands Cheat Sheet
Java Cheat Sheet
Gradle Cheat Sheet
Delete the gradle cache. List currently running gradle processes Stop all gradle processes.
Windows Command Line Cheat Sheet
Change Drive from Command Line You are here: D:\ You want to go here: C:\ Type just: C: and hit enter. You are here: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\ You want to go here: C:\ Type: C:\ and hit enter. Notice you have to…
LERNA Cheat Sheet
How to type accents é, è, ñ, ü, ê and other special characters on your Mac keyboard
Problem: You’re on an English keyboard on a Mac, and you need to type letters with accents, like é, è, ñ, ü, ê or other special characters, like ç, å, æ, or œ. Solution: Hold down the vowel key for…
When Making a Directive for AngularJS
Worth Reading: Especially this at the very bottom of that page: By ‘expose an API’, they mean ‘add some this.doSomething() {…} functions to the controller that are reachable from outside the controller’. Like public class methods. If you’re not…
How to Add a Root Certificate to the Java Truststore on Mac OS 10.15 Catalina
When developing a java web app on Mac OS Catalina, you may have a service that makes an API request to a secure URL. If you don’t have that secure (https) URL’s root certificate in your Java truststore, the call…