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Category DevOps
Tips related to server and deployment configuration.
How to Add a Root Certificate to the Java Truststore on Mac OS 10.15 Catalina
When developing a java web app on Mac OS Catalina, you may have a service that makes an API request to a secure URL. If you don’t have that secure (https) URL’s root certificate in your Java truststore, the call…
How to put an Azure App Service Certficate on an Azure VM running Neo4J
Assumptions: You are running Neo4J Community Edition 3.2.1 or greater on a Linux VM on Azure You have a wildcard SSL cert purchased from Azure and stored in an Azure keyvault You can run Powershell ISE on a Windows machine…
UNIX/AWK Tricks: How to copy a long list of files into a directory
Make your list of files, with complete paths, call it “imgList.txt”. Put every file on a new line. Write a small awk script with the following 1 line: { printf(“cp %s images/\n”, $0);} Save the script as “copyList.awk” Do the…
block ads with hosts files
Anyone with 15 minutes of free time can edit their hosts file to block 99% of the ads that appear on web pages, for free. This works on PCs, Macs, and Linux/Unix computers. What’s a “hosts” file? It’s a file…