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sharing the power of code
Category Cheat Sheets
GIT Commands Cheat Sheet
Java Cheat Sheet
Gradle Cheat Sheet
Delete the gradle cache. List currently running gradle processes Stop all gradle processes.
Windows Command Line Cheat Sheet
Change Drive from Command Line You are here: D:\ You want to go here: C:\ Type just: C: and hit enter. You are here: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\ You want to go here: C:\ Type: C:\ and hit enter. Notice you have to…
LERNA Cheat Sheet
Nginx Cheat Sheet
Test and restart an nginx configuration change The reload will not happen if the test fails. sudo nginx -t && service nginx reload or, on a bitnami image: sudo nginx -t && sudo restart nginx Redirect all subdomains…
Handy MySQL Commands
Log into mysql: (enter password on next prompt) Show all databases on server: To reset an auto_increment field to 1: To load a local csv file into an empty existing table: (This assumes you’ve already created your empty table with…