Several date to millisecond calculators, useful when coding countdown timers, cookie expiration settings or other date related scripts. The calculators are coded in JavaScript.
If you need to do date math across timezones, follow this link to a couple date/timezone tools at the bottom of this page.
Really much useful…
Its usefull.
Thanks! Really appreciated.
nice work..:)
Muy util vieja, muchisimas gracias
me salvaste la vida!!!
Very helpful.. 🙂
Thank you!
Thank u! very helpful!
Thanks!! Very Very helpful
Thank you so much!! Very useful
Thank you, helped me a lot with my database work.
Good, but not satisfying all the needs. Is there an other tool like this which can be used for all the types in calendar and gregorian calendar or date.
its really use ful
Helpful, Thanks
very useful.thanks
Useful – thanks.
Where is the [like] button?
Great tool!
Thanks great site. Missing a time calculator between 2 milliseconds though 🙂
Let my input date is “01/01/2009” in MM/DD/YYYY format. How I will calculate in java script that the input date is not before “09/30/2009” and not after “03/31/2011”. Please sent me the Java script code to my E-Mail. Thanks
This is Very Useful and It will be great if you implement TimeZone Convertors…
This is a great website you have and I believe my site can be a great benfit to yours. As its related to the same industry sector, your viewers might appreciate our link to your page.
If you could program this where you could also choose GMT/UTC/or other time zones that would be great.
Yup, timezones are on the road map.
Yeah , very useful
Milliseconds to date string different than date to milliseconds for the same date:
1392126870991 results in Tue Feb 11 2014 14:54:30 GMT+0100 (W. Europe Standard Time), while
Tue Feb 11 2014 14:54:30 GMT+0100 (W. Europe Standard Time) gives 1392126870000.
Is there a way to ensure that Tue Feb 11 2014 14:54:30 GMT+0100 (W. Europe Standard Time) gives also 1392126870991?
Thanks in advance.
Thanks for pointing this out. I guess there may be a bug in my code that converts Tue Feb 11 2014 14:54:30 GMT+0100 to milliseconds. might not respect the timezone portion.